
From the Home screen, tap the Settings button to navigate to the Settings screen.

  1. Home button. Tap the Home button to return to the Home screen.
  2. Coms button. This indicates whether the device is connected to the i4M Tacho. To edit any of the settings on this screen, the device must be connected to the i4M Tacho. For more information, see Connect .
  3. Zero hectare counter button. Tap this button and follow the prompts to zero the hectare counter. The hectare counter can also be zeroed from the Work screen. For more information, see Work .
  4. Set wheel sensor pulses button. Tap this button and follow the prompts to set the wheel sensor pulses per metre. This value is used to calculate the distance travelled by the machine. This is used in conjunction with the swath width to calculate the hectares covered.
info Note
If the hectare counter is running too high, the value for wheel sensor pulses per metre should be increased.
If the hectare counter is running too low, the value for wheel sensor pulses per metre should be reduced.