General Operation
From the Home screen, tap the Work button to navigate to the Work screen.
- Home button. Tap the Home button to return to the Home screen.
Coms button. This indicates whether the device is connected to the i4M Tacho. For more information, see
Work status. A range of images are shown here to describe the working status of the i4M Tacho.
For a list of work status images and corresponding descriptions, see
Work Status.
Alert status. An alert is displayed here when an undesired behaviour is occurring.
An alarm will sound every 5 seconds while an alert is active.
During normal operation, nothing will be displayed here. For a list of alerts, see
Hectare counter display. Tap here to zero the hectare counter.
For information on calibrating the hectare counter, see
- Spinner speed display.
- Swath width display. Tap here to edit the swath width.
Work Status
A list of work status images and corresponding descriptions are shown in the table below.
Work Status Image |
Description |
- Belt off.
- Hopper not empty.
- Belt on.
- Spinners off.
- Hopper not empty.
- Belt on.
- Spinners on.
- Hopper not empty.
A list of alerts and descriptions are shown in the table below.
Alert |
Description |
Belt is on, Bin is empty |
- The belt sensor is receiving pulses, indicating that the belt is turning.
- A hopper sensor is installed and reading that there is no product in the hopper.
Belt is on, Spinner speed LOW |
- The belt sensor is receiving pulses, indicating that the belt is turning.
- The spinner speed sensor is reading that the spinners are rotating below 200rpm.